Valentine's Dates

If you're anything like me and my husband, you don't have a lot of time or money for an extravagant Valentine's Day date. Most of the dinner reservations were probably booked, at all the good restaurants, about two weeks ago anyway. And that's really predictable, so why would you want to do what everyone else is doing? You wouldn't... So, I've created a list of some sweet, quick and easy DIY Valentines Day date ideas for you guys! I personally do not care all that much about celebrating Valentine's Day. I'd rather have my husband be loving and affectionate towards me all year long, but I get the "one" day a year for extra loving thing. But, our Anniversary is also less than a month away from V-Day, so I want to spend money towards the anniversary of when our love started (and that day's ESPECIALLY for us) and just do little things on other holidays.
When we first got married, we were both working and really only had a few hours together during the weeknights and all weekend. We wanted to be intentional in our relationship and not let our love grow stagnant. So, just to keep things fresh and interesting, I made this really cool jar of "date night" ideas that we could pick from. Well, I think we actually ended up using it for like a month. Then we just did whatever we wanted, but it was a cool idea and took some research and effort. My week of research is now to your benefit. Some of those ideas were seasonal, specific to us and our town, but some of them will work nicely for DIY Valnetine's dates too! Enjoy <3
- make a delicious dinner in for you and your kids
- day picnic during lunch at the park
- make your dinner or dessert from scratch together
- pack a picnic, choose some great scenery and watch the stars
- try out a new food together
- go for a dessert only date
- Valentine's themed breakfast
Home Date
- fill out a Valentine's Day mad-lib together or separately for added laughs
- get all dressed up and take pictures together (just because)
- watch a movie and open a bottle of wine or champagne
- make a scavenger hunt for your date
- have a game night
- pick a love story to read together
- origami together
- get canvases, a bottle of wine, a picture to copy & paint (paint the same picture together)
- go through your old pictures together and make an album
- get each other a gift with a $25 cap
Outside Date
- take a walk at a local park
- go see a movie and bring your own candy
- get a couples book/journal from the bookstore and fill it out together
- see what your city has for cheap entertainment/live bands
- go to a vintage arcade
Hope you guys were inspired a little to adventure out into the world of easy but sweet Valentine's dates. Not your typical things to do on Valentines Day, but so much fun! I always find things more enjoyable when they are unpredictable and special - and that's what this holiday of love and devotion is supposed to represent, right? Please leave a comment of anything you think I've missed. Or something especially special your honey did for you! <3 Amanda