Can You Be Prepared For Cold and Flu Season?
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Kleenex, Lipton, and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #FluSeasonHacks #CollectiveBias
How is it already fall?! I feel like it was just summer! Well, here in South Carolina it really was just summer. It’s hot till late October. This year has gone by way too fast. And with the end of the year approaching comes every mom, teacher, caregiver and family’s worst nightmare… the dreaded cold and flu season. Literally, everyone gets sick at some point during this period. So I’m here to ask, can you be prepared for cold and flu season?
I think yes, you can. But, you have to be smart about it and plan ahead. I know that’s not always an option for moms as we’re sometimes flying by the seat of our pants, juggling a million and one things at once and subsequently forgetting everything or is that just me? #MomBrain Here are some productive ways and amazing products that I’ve found super helpful to stay ahead of the sickness fallout.
Ways to be prepared for cold and flu season
Get a flu shot. It will help lessen any symptoms if you do happen to get the flu. It’s an inexpensive way to stay ahead of the illness and hopefully out of the hospital!
Have some freezer meals prepared or recipes with really simple ingredients and a quick turnaround time. Like casseroles or crockpot chicken noodle soup! These are great for those days when everyone is sick, nothing has gone right that day or your just short on time. You’ll be glad you did!
Ask for help! Trust me, I’m a mom, I know how hard this one is. You want to be superwoman. You want to do everything and be everything for everyone. But sometimes you just can’t. If people are offering to help, especially when you’re sick, let them or ask them!
Shop for the essentials ahead of time. You know, when you’re not dripping a liter of liquid from your nose, coughing up a lung and can barely move two inches before having to “rest”. Heaven forbid you start getting symptoms at night when you’re tired, the kids are asleep and everything is closing!! By planning ahead, you won’t have to leave the comfort of your home and you’ll have access to instant relief.
We chose to plan ahead by shopping at our local Kroger on Forest Dr. Everything was fairly easy to find but for an extra helpful directory, I have included the aisles and shelf placements for each of the products we purchased (some were even in the same aisle, which made shopping that much easier). We were especially interested in stocking up on Theraflu Power Pods, Kleenex® tissues and Lipton tea.
Shelf location
Theraflu Power Pods
You can’t go into cold and flu season without Theraflu! Even if you don’t get the flu, you will probably get a cold or a cough (or someone in your family will). I would have a box of these pods on hand just in case. Theraflu Power Pods Daytime Severe Cold fits right into your routine. They are compatible with most single-serve coffee makers making them super easy to use. These fast-relieving pods work on even your severe symptoms. It’s a powerful dose of relief without a prescription. They are also available in Nighttime.
(Theraflu Power Pods are going to be by the pharmacy in the cough relief, cold & flu section)
Kleenex products have always shown dependable care and have the ultimate softness. Kleenex Lotion Tissues: Soothing Lotion (pictured) are infused with pure aloe & vitamin E. They’ll soothe your tender skin. Perfect for those runny noses that don’t ever seem to let up. No more painful nose wiping for you!
These two go hand in hand when prepping for cough, cold and flu season!
Lipton Tea
The Lipton Wellness teas are made with carefully selected botanicals and blended with natural essential oils that make every cup delicious. Choosing Lipton tea helps make wellness an easy part of your daily routine. I love having a cup of tea at night, right before bed (even when I’m not sick)! It calms me, aids in digestion and prevents me from eating extra calories. It’s no surprise I chose Lipton* Bedtime Bliss as our go-to tea for help fighting a sore throat and cold symptoms at night. Bedtime Bliss is an herbal infusion that sings you to sleep, much like a lullaby in a cup. They also have a Daily Support with Green tea and Soothe Your Tummy. Any of these teas by Lipton would be great options for combating cold and flu season symptoms (and taste delicious)!
Kleenex and Lipton are located in the same aisle (facial tissue & tea)!
What I love about all these products is that they are easily accessible and usable in places around the house you already frequent. My beverage cart is now fully stocked for cold and flu season! I have either my Theraflu Power Pods Daytime Severe Cold or Lipton* Bedtime Bliss. To use the tea, I would just run hot water through my coffee maker. I also have a strategically placed box of Kleenex tissues on the cart for a quick runny nose clean up. Everything in one easy place!!
I can’t think of a worse situation then everyone at home sick, no safeguards in place to lighten the load or no remedies on hand to make anybody feel better. That sounds like a nightmare and how would anyone get better? Don’t live in misery together, save yourself some time and trouble and stock up on these cold and flu symptom fighting remedies. See below for some amazing savings on these favorite Kleenex products.
Head to your local Kroger and stock up on cough, cold and flu remedies before you get too sick to leave the house! You’ll also have first choice and not run the risk of something you need being out of stock! ;)
Kleenex - ©KCWW, Lipton - © 2018 Unilever Theraflu - ©2018 the GSK group of companies or its licensor. Read and follow label directions. Theraflu is for use in adults 12 years and older. Use products only as directed.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease.