Leah Elizabeth Photography

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4 Tips & Tricks to Make Laundry Easier for Moms!​

4 Tips & Tricks to Make Laundry Easier for Moms!​

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #allLaundryatWalmart


What is the one thing all mamas have in common? LAUNDRY!! We all do an obscene amount of laundry...all the time! Where does it all come from? How many people are actually living in your house to have that many clothes that need to be washed each week? It’s unreal and probably really overwhelming. I have 4 Tips & Tricks to Make Laundry Easier for Moms! 

Sorting the Laundry

Most of the time I sort my clothes by person, in their own basket... not in huge piles on the floor ;)

Most of the time I sort my clothes by person, in their own basket... not in huge piles on the floor ;)

Sort clothes by the person, not color. I just recently started this trick and it has been working amazingly. We are a family of four. Four different sizes, two different genders. Two of “us” have many pairs of very tiny socks. I used to sort by adults and children but that was still pretty overwhelming. Now, I sort by person and it has made folding & putting away laundry so much easier (and faster). I just do one load each at the end of the week. I do separate my towels and all whites though...we have a lot of white clothes. If you are worried about colors bleeding, make sure you’re running a cold cycle and you can always add a sheet that catches colors to that load. I’m telling you, this will change your life, mama! 

I’ve been using all free clear for years, for my kids sensitive skin!

I’ve been using all free clear for years, for my kids sensitive skin!

Use all® free clear laundry detergent. I have been using this laundry detergent for a few years now. I started using it during my first pregnancy back in 2014. There were so many little onesies, burp cloths, bibs, blankies and crib sheets to wash! Everything I read recommended baby detergents for their sensitive baby skin, which makes sense. But I didn’t want to use baby detergents because they were too expensive and in too small quantities. I found all® free clear and thought it would be a good alternative. It’s the #1 brand recommended by dermatologists, allergists & pediatricians for sensitive skin. I've used it for both my babies and our whole family ever since. It’s very cost effective (which is important to our family), gets our clothes clean and a gentle option for those with sensitive skin.

Walmart is literally my favorite! It’s affordable and super convenient!!

Walmart is literally my favorite! It’s affordable and super convenient!!

We shop at Walmart for ours. I can get the largest size (that lasts for months) with the pour dispenser and I just love that. I shop at Walmart at least once a week, so it’s super convenient. As a busy, on-the-go mom, I also love using their free pick up service. It’s so nice not having to shop with two preschoolers if I don’t want to. Which I normally don’t “want” to. 


Folding the Laundry

I won’t be folding this... this is all dirty :)

I won’t be folding this... this is all dirty :)

Don’t take the clean clothes out of the laundry basket until you’re ready to fold them. This accomplishes three things. One, you will not have looming piles of clean clothes on your couch, bed or dining room table, waiting to be folded. They are in one contained spot until you are ready to fold them. Two, you will fold them faster because you don’t want them to get wrinkly. Three, you will have to fold them sooner rather than later because your laundry basket will be full until you fold them, and you won’t be able to put the freshly dried clothes in that laundry basket until they are folded. 


Put Them Away

Our laundry room is outside. It’s in an enclosed area of our carport. It has its pros and cons being outside!

Our laundry room is outside. It’s in an enclosed area of our carport. It has its pros and cons being outside!

Put the laundry away right after you fold it! I am really guilty of not doing this. We had so many different peoples clothes mixed together, I would have four different piles that I needed to put away from one load. When I sort ahead of time by person, I can fold all those clothes and take them right to that person’s room and I’m done with that load. It’s such a time saver! I could even have my toddler help me put them away because they’re all going to the same place! #momhack


That’s all I got for y’all! I hope you found these tips somewhat helpful! No one actually likes to do laundry, but it has to be done. If my tips & tricks can help just one mama with her never-ending load of laundry, then that’ll make me so happy! Let me know if you try any of these tips or what works best for your family in the comments below.

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